Algorithm Detail ================ Four algorithms are provided: ========== ================ ================= Class Name First Proposer Time Complexity ========== ================ ================= ``DT`` :cite:`1991:dt` :math:`O(n^2\textrm{MaxFlow}(n))` ``PDT_R`` :cite:`2010:psp` :math:`O(n\textrm{MaxFlow}(n))` ``PDT`` ours :math:`O(n\textrm{MaxFlow}(n))` ``PSP_I`` ours :math:`O(n\textrm{MaxFlow}(n))` ========== ================ ================= Though the last three algorithms have the same level of time complexity, empirically their efficiency are different. The following picture shows the time used to get the psp structure of a dense graph :math:`|E|=O(|V|^2)` generated by Gaussian blob. .. image:: _static/gaussian.png